Minggu, 08 September 2013

New Bern Weekly Home Sales Report

Weekly Update-Home Sales for New Bern-Craven County Market
There are currently 1056 homes for sale in Craven County.

In the past week, 15 homes closed in Craven County. (week ending 9/8/13)

$24,000.00-$100,000=5 sales.   In this price range there are 160 homes for sale!
$100,001-$150,000=2 sales.   In this price range there are 229 homes for sale!
$150,001-$200,000=3 sales.   In this price range there are 256 homes for sale!
$200,001-$250,000=5 sale.   In this price range there are 149 homes for sale!
Of the sales in the past week, 1 was a waterfront home. It closed for $185,000. 

Of the 23 sales this past week 1 was a Bank Owned property. There are currently 45 Bank Owned properties for sale in Craven County.

There was 0 waterfront lots sold in the past week. 

There were 3 interior lots sold last week. They were all in Fairfield Harbour and the highest priced was $2,500.00. 

There were 0 commercial,buildings or lots, sales in the past week. 

Here is how the sales this week compare to sales for the same week in prior years.
2013=15 sales
2012=14 sales
2011=20 sales
2010=17 sales

2009=23 sales

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