Senin, 01 April 2013

New Bern Home Sales

Year to date home sales through March 31, 2013

So far we have had 221 home sales in Craven County. 58 of these sales were $100,000 and under. 112 of these sales were between $100,001 and $200,000. 20 were between $200,001 and $250,000. 16 were between $250,001 and $300,000. 7 were between $300,001 and $400,000. 6 were sold over $400,000. Of these Jana and I sold 3. The most expensive sold has been $943,500. My wife Jana sold that one. 

Last year during the same time we had sold 201 homes. Only 3 were sold over $400,000 and the most expensive home sold was $450,000. 

So all in all the numbers look better but Bank Owned sales are up this year by 18. This accounts for almost all of the increase in sales this year, but I am still somewhat optimistic because of the increase in higher end sales. 

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