Year to date home sales through March 31, 2013
So far we have had 221 home sales in Craven County. 58 of these sales were $100,000 and under. 112 of these sales were between $100,001 and $200,000. 20 were between $200,001 and $250,000. 16 were between $250,001 and $300,000. 7 were between $300,001 and $400,000. 6 were sold over $400,000. Of these Jana and I sold 3. The most expensive sold has been $943,500. My wife Jana sold that one.
Last year during the same time we had sold 201 homes. Only 3 were sold over $400,000 and the most expensive home sold was $450,000.
So all in all the numbers look better but Bank Owned sales are up this year by 18. This accounts for almost all of the increase in sales this year, but I am still somewhat optimistic because of the increase in higher end sales.
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